Root Canal Therapy in Louisville, Kentucky

Root Canal Therapy, often simply referred to as a 'root canal', is a dental procedure designed to save and repair a tooth that has been severely damaged or infected. The therapy involves the removal of the inflamed or infected pulp from inside the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the area, then filling and sealing it. This procedure, performed by Dr. William Newman at Perennial Dental in Louisville, KY, can alleviate pain and swelling, and prevent the spread of infection. Despite common misconceptions, modern root canal therapy is a comfortable treatment that often requires just one or two appointments.

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Louisville Root Canal Therapy

Why Should I Get Root Canal Therapy?

If you're experiencing severe toothache, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, discoloration of the tooth, swelling, or tenderness in the gums, root canal therapy may be the solution for you. These symptoms often indicate an infection or inflammation in the tooth pulp, which can lead to severe pain and even tooth loss if left untreated. Root canal therapy can effectively treat these issues, preserving your natural tooth and eliminating the need for a tooth extraction. Plus, maintaining your natural tooth can help prevent other teeth from drifting out of line and causing jaw problems.

Root Canal Therapy in Louisville

Did you know…

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Root canal therapy actually saves millions of teeth each year!

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The Benefits Of Root Canal Therapy in Louisville

Pain Relief

Contrary to popular belief, root canal therapy is not a painful process. In fact, it is a pain-relief procedure. The therapy effectively eliminates the severe pain caused by tooth decay or infection. With the use of modern techniques and effective anesthesia, most patients report that they're comfortable during the procedure.

Efficient Chewing

Root canal therapy helps in restoring normal biting force and sensation. This means you can enjoy efficient chewing function, which can positively impact your digestion and overall health. It also maintains the natural appearance of the tooth, helping you feel confident in your smile.

Protects Other Teeth

By treating the infected tooth, root canal therapy prevents the spread of infection to neighboring teeth. This is crucial, as a spread of infection can lead to more severe dental and health problems. Additionally, by keeping your natural tooth, you prevent other teeth from over-eruption or drifting out of their proper position.

Our Louisville Root Canal Therapy Treatment Process

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Examination and X-ray

The first step in root canal therapy involves a thorough examination of the tooth and surrounding tissues. Dr. Newman will take an X-ray to get a clear view of the tooth and the root canals to assess the extent of damage or infection.

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Anesthesia and Pulp Removal

Once the examination is complete, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area and ensure your comfort during the procedure. Dr. Newman will then create an opening in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp chamber. The infected or inflamed pulp is carefully removed, and the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned.

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Filling and Sealing

After cleaning, the root canal is reshaped and filled with a biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha. The filling is then sealed with adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the canals. This step is crucial to prevent any bacteria from entering and causing re-infection.

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