Dental Fillings in Louisville, Kentucky

Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity or discomfort when biting down? It could be a sign of tooth decay that needs to be addressed promptly. Dental fillings are a common treatment provided by Dr. William Newman at Perennial Dental in Louisville, KY. Dental fillings are a type of restorative dentistry that involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling it with a durable material. This procedure not only restores the function of the tooth but also prevents further decay. With modern advancements, dental fillings are now more effective and aesthetically pleasing than ever before.

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Dental Fillings in Louisville

Why Should I Get A Dental Filling?

Ignoring tooth decay can lead to severe dental problems in the future. When left untreated, decay can spread deeper into the tooth, causing severe pain and potentially leading to tooth loss. Dental fillings are a preventative measure that can save you from the discomfort and expense of more invasive treatments later on. Moreover, dental fillings can also restore the appearance of your tooth, boosting your self-confidence. In the hands of an experienced Louisville dentist like Dr. Newman, the process is quick, relatively painless, and can significantly improve your oral health.

Louisville Dental Fillings

Did you know…

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Dental fillings are not just for cavities; they can also repair cracked or broken teeth!

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The Benefits Of Dental Fillings

Prevents Further Tooth Decay

Once decay sets in, it can rapidly progress, impacting not just the affected tooth but neighboring teeth as well. Dental fillings halt this process in its tracks. By removing the decay and sealing the tooth, fillings prevent further decay and protect your overall oral health.

Restores Tooth Function and Appearance

Tooth decay can affect your ability to chew and may even alter the appearance of your smile. Dental fillings restore the normal function of your teeth, allowing you to eat comfortably. Plus, with tooth-colored fillings, your smile will look as good as new.

Long-Lasting Solution

Dental fillings are designed to withstand the rigors of biting and chewing, making them a durable solution for tooth decay. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, your fillings can last for many years, providing long-term protection for your teeth.

The Dental Fillings Treatment Process

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Examination and Preparation

The first step in the dental filling process is a thorough examination. Dr. Newman will use special tools to check for signs of decay. Once identified, the decayed area will be prepared for the filling. This involves numbing the area and removing the decayed material.

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Filling the Tooth

After the decayed material is removed, the next step is to fill the tooth. The filling material is placed into the cavity and shaped to match the contour of your tooth. This ensures a comfortable fit and a natural look.

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Polishing and Final Adjustments

The final step involves polishing the filling and making any necessary adjustments to ensure a perfect fit. This step is crucial to ensure that your bite is comfortable and the filled tooth looks and feels like your natural teeth.

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