How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With a 98% success rate, it’s no wonder why dental implants are the go-to restoration option for missing teeth for the young and elderly. Dentists drill these implants directly into patient’s jaws so that they can fuse and eventually become one. 

While dental implants in Louisville are undoubtedly effective, the question of durability is hard to overlook. Can they hold up to the constant chewing and biting action, and if they can, for how long? Below, we’ll discuss how long you should expect your dental implants to last. Let’s get right into it.

Are Dental Implants Permanent?

Yes, dental implants are permanent restorations but being permanent doesn’t mean they’ll last forever. As mentioned, dental implants are embedded directly into your jawbone before pontics are attached. These restorations have a lifespan of ten to thirty years before they need replacement. Once installed, they can only be removed by a licensed dentist but doing so is unnecessary unless complications arise after the procedure.

Why Do Dental Implants Last So Long?

Many dental devices and restorations barely exceed the 10-year mark, let alone the 30 years you can expect from dental implants. So, why do these implants last so long?

Dental professionals attribute the longevity of dental implants to their constituent materials. Most dental implants are made from a titanium and aluminum alloy. This metal alloy is biocompatible, sting, and resistant to corrosion. Plus, it also forms a protective oxide layer when exposed to the atmosphere.  As such, the implants won't corrode when exposed to body fluid and will retain their structural integrity for decades.

Implants also contain ridges, like the ones you find in screws, allowing it to go deep inside the jawbone. The jawbone later grows into tiny pores on the implant via osseointegration. This fusion also prolongs the lifespan of the dental implants.

How Can I Make My Dental Implants Last Longer

The lifespan of your dental implants mostly depends on how you care for them and your general dental health. Here are a couple of ways to make these restorations last longer.

  • Brush and Floss Your Teeth

The easiest way to extend the longevity of your dental implants is by brushing and flossing your teeth. Dental implants made from titanium are resistant to the corrosive effects of the acid produced by mouth bacteria. However, the teeth and soft tissue holding the implants are not. As such, failing to brush and floss your teeth could lead to their deterioration and subsequently implant failure.

  • Reduce or Avoid Smoking Tobacco

Excessive tobacco smoking is incredibly detrimental to your dental health and your restoration’s lifespan. Tobacco constricts the blood vessels supplying blood to your gum tissues, starving it of blood. This affects healing and the osseointegration process, reducing your implant’s lifespan.

Your Dental Implants Await!

Dental implants can last a lifetime if you care for them correctly and find the right dentist in Louisville to install them. The dentist will examine your jaws and remaining teeth to determine the suitability of these restorations for your case. They may also suggest alternative options for those who find the treatment too expensive.

Are you in need of dental implants? If so, contact Perennial Dental and we’ll schedule an appointment for your implants immediately.

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