Can You Get Dental Implants With Bone Loss?

If you’re struggling with missing teeth, getting dental implants in Louisville, KY, may be an excellent way to restore your smile.

Unfortunately, dental implants are not for everyone. Before the surgery, your dentist will examine your oral health as well as your medical history to determine if you’re a good candidate for them. 

And if you have bone loss, it could mean dental implants have a high failure risk in your case. Luckily, there may be a way around that.

Why Bone Loss Leads to Implant Failure 

Dental implants are completely different from other types of tooth replacement procedures. These artificial teeth mimic both the look and structure of a natural tooth. Dental implants have a metal post that is inserted into the jaw bone and replaces the missing tooth’s root. 

Once the metal post is in place, the body is supposed to heal around it during a process called osseointegration. By the end, the metal post is fused to both the bone and gum tissues around it, just like in the case of a natural tooth.

But patients with bone loss might not go through osseointegration successfully. If the tissue shrinks, it’s usually due to an illness or dealing with missing teeth for a long time, which likely indicates your bone is not healthy and therefore unable to fuse to the implant.

Moreover, dental implants need a specific amount of bone for successful implantation. They must be fully immersed in the tissue; otherwise, the procedure will fail.

Bone Grafts May Be a Good Solution for You

Patients with bone loss don’t necessarily need to look for dental implant alternatives. A bone graft procedure could help heal the jaw bone and prepare it to withstand implant surgery and osseointegration.

A bone graft is a type of surgery where a healthy piece of bone is added to the area that has shrunk. Most commonly, this piece is taken from another part of the jaw that’s healthy, but it can also come from other areas of the body when necessary. 

Once the healthy bone is added, the cells begin to fuse with the jaw, therefore restoring mass and bone health. The surgery comes with its osseointegration timeline, which may take around six months or more. 

Is All the Effort Worth It?

There are certainly faster ways to replace missing teeth, but dental implants are the best available solution, even if patients need a bone graft.

The implant supports your overall oral health by stimulating the jaw bone while chewing, so it can prevent future bone loss. And with the right care, it’s also a permanent type of tooth replacement. 

If you’re still unsure, Dr. William Newman can help you discover your tooth replacement options and whether dental implants are the right solution for you. 

Schedule a visit to Perennial Dental online and stop by to learn more.

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